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Children’s Hospital Performs Katy Perry’s ‘Roar’ October 25, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — loriremaker @ 6:33 pm


Although this video is not about Akron Children’s Hospital, when I cam across it, it instantly reminded me of ACH. The Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth-Hitchcock made a video to Katy Perry’s song, ‘Roar.’ You can tell just from this video that the staff is fun, outgoing, dedicated, love the kids and loves what they do. That is exactly the vibe I got from the staff at ACH when I went on the tour. The Dartmouth-Hitchcock hospital looked really nice inside as well, and had a lot of the same features in it that I saw at ACH. I think it’s great that hospitals like Dartmouth-Hitchcock and ACH really make an effort to have fun with the kids and do whatever they can to take their minds off of their problems. The video is really touching and it made me thankful that children who have cancer and other illness are fortunate enough to have such great hospitals and caretakers to treat them in the US.


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